Performance Comparison: SHA-512 is 12-27% faster than SHA-256

Performance Comparison: SHA-512 is 12-27% faster than SHA-256

When it comes to hashing algorithms, the choice between SHA-512 and SHA-256 can have an impact on performance. A recent test conducted on a MacBook Pro (Mid 2015) with a 2.5 GHz Intel Core i7 processor running Node.js v9.2.0 revealed interesting results.

The test measured the time taken to hash data using both SHA-512 and SHA-256 algorithms, with varying block sizes. Here are the findings:

  • Block Size: 8192
    • Hashing SHA-512 x 300,000 times: 4,447ms
    • Hashing SHA-256 x 300,000 times: 6,105ms
    • Difference: 27.16%
  • Block Size: 4096
    • Hashing SHA-512 x 300,000 times: 2,601ms
    • Hashing SHA-256 x 300,000 times: 3,426ms
    • Difference: 24.08%
  • Block Size: 1024
    • Hashing SHA-512 x 300,000 times: 1,218ms
    • Hashing SHA-256 x 300,000 times: 1,434ms
    • Difference: 15.06%
  • Block Size: 512
    • Hashing SHA-512 x 300,000 times: 970ms
    • Hashing SHA-256 x 300,000 times: 1,102ms
    • Difference: 11.98%

Test Results

Based on these results, it is evident that SHA-512 consistently outperformed SHA-256 in terms of speed. The performance advantage ranged from 11.98% with a block size of 512 to a significant 27.16% with a block size of 8192.

It's important to note that these findings were specific to the tested environment, which included a MacBook Pro (Mid 2015) with a 2.5 GHz Intel Core i7 processor and Node.js v9.2.0. Different hardware configurations and software versions may yield varying results.

Ultimately, the choice between SHA-512 and SHA-256 depends on various factors such as security requirements, compatibility, and performance considerations. These test results can serve as a reference point for developers when selecting the appropriate hashing algorithm for their specific use cases.


Please refer to the provided gist for the detailed test results and further information.

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